If you’ve never eaten one, you need to, because there are nothing like them. If you bite into one and the liquid marshmallo filling drips off your chin, you know you've got the real thing.

Here’s a little history on this legendary candy. Originating in 1931, a Valomilk is a liquid marshmallow filled milk chocolate cup manufactured by the Russell Sifers Candy Company in Merriam, Kansas. The fifth generation of the Sifers family still uses the original family recipe along with much of the original equipment.
In the late 1950's, Valomilk launched a promotion to celebrate the inclusion of Alaska and Hawaii into the union. Cardboard disks with the names of the capitals of all 50 states of America were placed on top of the candy cups and shipped to stores. Anyone who collected 30 of the disks could send them to the Valomilk company and receive a tube of 10 free Valomilks. Today, collections of all 50 state capitol disks are a rare find on eBay. Valomilks are currently the only candy still made by the Sifers company.

Since it’s getting close to Halloween, I’m going to add this additional information. I no longer dress up in a costume and go door to door to collect candy from the neighbors. But up until six years ago we lived in Kansas. Every Halloween I would walk around the corner and knock on the door of my neighbor, Russell Sifers. He was then, and remains, the owner of the Sifers Candy Company. He always handed me a couple of Valomilks. I had to fight my wife for them when I got home. Then we moved to our present location, and I don’t get my Halloween Valomilks any more. (Sigh)
You can still buy the original Valomilk Cups today. And they taste exactly like they used to. Google it, and you’ll find their website with all the information you need. If you want to order some on the internet, here's a great site. They have everything you remember from the fifties, including the Skybar, Candy Lipstick, Saf-T-Pops and Fizzies. It's called Oldtime Candy.
I usually didn't have much spending money as a kid, but my best friend, Denise, was always eating Valomilk cups. I remember those little wooden nickel things. I think she collected a lot and mailed them in often, for she rarely was seen without a valomilk.
I live in Kansas, and they are in the stores here. I was very disappointed when I bought the first one in years and found no wooden nickel inside.
That is some yummy candy!
I'm glad you remember those Valomilk's. I always loved them, but they were a little messy to eat. And your fingers usually ended up sticky. And your lips. And your chin.
I still decorate our house and give out VALOMILKS for Halloween.
Russ Sifers
Valomilk! I love them, but since moving to Missouri I can't seem to find them anywhere.
Yeah, they're messy, but it tastes so good licking all that goo off your fingers. I always wished they were much bigger than they are.
I hope Mr. Sifers never stops making them.
Wow! Did you notice who commented?
I feel honored that Russ Sifers himself took the time to post a comment.
I think what I'm going to do is find us some Valomilks and, first of all, eat a bunch of them, and then put a gift pack on here as a giveaway for our readers.
I'll also list the giveaway on the Toasty Posts blog. And maybe Money Saving Mom.
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